Saturday, June 16, 2012


                                                --A P ANAND

          Unfortunately, though we are human by race but still behave like a devil and are thus facing many onslaughts of life. It is not possible to lead untainted and peaceful life without imbibing compassion and other peerless traits. Forgiveness is sweet nectar, one of such pure, sacred, saintly and godly traits. It requires self-control and is not considered as weakness, but a daring step. Also it is like controlling the raging storm. Forgiveness should be an ideal and trait of a person (Karmayogi) who is treading the path of spirituality and does not expect any thing in return from the takers. It is well known from aeons that to err is human and to forgive is divine. Thus erring is not considered as a sin. We do not lose anything in the process of forgiving which rather, earns a lot like blessings. Even Jesus Christ had forgiven his tormentors. Mercy is one of the basis and vital pillars of any religion. It is said that one who lives by the sword and is not merciful, dies by the sword. It is better to excuse/ pardon and forget the erring person.

          It is not advisable to be carried away of rancour which causes many draw-backs like tensions, sleep disturbance(apnea), nightmare, dementia, deficiency of hunger, cramps, high blood pressure, heart problems, anger, hatred and muscle spasms etc. Those who meddle/ interfere into the affairs of others earn bad name and incur displeasure of others.

If one is suffering from the feelings of ill-will and not opting for forgiveness one may carry forward the pinch feelings to next life and suffer the pangs again and again. Forgiving is like burying the hatchet by the rivals for ever. Such qualities of forgiveness, let go and compassion result in miracles in life. Forgiveness is to be realized by the offender for ever and should never repeat his mistake but be thankful to Almighty for His intervention. Even oppressed and helpless who repent after breaching the threshold of tolerance can be given a chance of forgiveness to mend their ways. Forgiveness provides cozy comfort to the receiver. Love and forgiveness are always the givers and not takers.

If you want peace of mind, always think that the past is dead and gone and never rake old issues to rub salt in the wound. Be kinder to the faults of others. Forgiveness should act like sandal wood which emits fragrance for the person who axes it and for the axe also.

          If we totally surrender to the Supreme Power we adapt forgiveness to the deserving persons. It is a tool for honing and rejuvenating the self. One will lead life from darkness to light. With the qualities of forgiveness and trust one can bring the whole world under one’s sway and may avoid mayhems. One dispels the doubts and rivalry and takes the steps forward in improving the bitter relations otherwise one will stumble at every step and be tormented. Being at loggerheads one never solves any problem. Forgiveness purges the dross of ego, arrogance and pride etc. It removes all the blots/ stigma of the offender. By forgiving you lighten the heavy heart and mind and soothe the jangled/ frayed nerves. Forgiveness breeds flexibility and the seed of love germinates in the giver’s mind. The forgiver, after earning the goodwill of opposites, builds a strong citadel of peace and happiness around him and takes the lofty attributes to the eternal destiny. When forgiven, the victim is relaxed, stress relieved and refreshed and showers copious goodwill and blessings to the giver.    

          Many other benefits accrue to the persons who forgive. Such persons decimate their sins due to their altruistic qualities. It makes a person desire free as he does not expect any thing in return which leads him to liberation and bliss. He surrenders himself completely to the Almighty. He transforms his foes into friends.

          We should pray God for injecting painless, hilarious and boosting life in us. Lucky are those who with the grace of God and enlightenment of the True Master are able to exterminate their mistakes, are forgiven of their sins/ mistakes/ flaws / offences, come very close to Him and liberated for ever from the cycle of birth and death. In Gita Lord Krishna says, “If you come under the protection of My umbrella, take refuge in Me and completely surrender to Me, I will forgive all your sins and take care of your future.” What a cheap bargain! Some times when a natural calamity befalls the Lord spares the life of His true devotees and leaves them unharmed due to His mercy and retrieves such persons even from the appalling conditions like being buried under the mound of heavy debris. Many times miracles do happen to the true devotees. When they come in contact, eye to eye, with the icon of their chosen/ choicest deity at His/ Her altar they start shedding tears incessantly with outpourings for forgiveness. With the happening of such a miracle one should construe that the deity has forgiven his past sins and is pleased immensely due to devotee’s impeccable spiritual record.

          The forgiver is merciful and considered as a gem in the eyes of Lord. In rare deserving cases Lord’s clemency prevails, may be directly or through His harbinger , upon many other rulings to pardon some one or commute one’s sentence and save him even from the gallows for new lease of life. Some one has rightly said that the flowers of diverse colours and sizes bloom in the same bed. However, ironically, humans of different castes, creeds and races do not coexist in the same place in peace and harmony. This sort of impossible becomes possible the moment Lord enters your heart which is also the sign of teeming spring into your life and keeping you afloat with enthusiasm. Also He will lift you up in forgiveness even if you are in quagmire and strait (difficult circumstances). In a quirk of time we will be blessed with a windfall of His grace. The Christians, during Lenten Season, repent and atone for all their omissions and commissions and renew their resolve for better and purposeful future life. Similarly, Americans observe the Forgiveness Day with fast on the last Thursday of November and thank the Lord for His blessings and gifting them a rare human life and giving them a chance to atone their sins. The Jains celebrate forgiveness as “Kshamavani Parv” and subvert anger by it. The Jews also repent , pray to get rid of sins and forgiveness during Elul and Rosh Hashanah periods. Even Gurbani says, “Sabda Bhalla” (Welfare of all). When you pray for all, you earn the blessings and pleasure of all. So, do good to be a light unto others.
A P ANAND,E/120, “VIRGO”, LOWER KHARODI, MARVE ROAD, MALAD(W), MUMBAI__400 095------------Ph: 022 2862 0872

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