Sunday, August 12, 2012



          In the present era we are leading frenetic and despondent life. This shattered and fragmented life is of our own making as we do not care for anything and for anybody, even God. Nowadays people are well educated and well placed in comparison to the people of yester years. In the past, our ancestors were not highly educated or rich with materialism but were of deep rooted vision, acumen, adjustment, faith, tolerance, forgiveness and compassion which have taken a far back seat now. A galaxy of persons like King Akbar(the Great); US President, Abraham Lincoln, Richard Branson, Dhirubhai Ambani and Raj Kapoor etc were/ are not highly qualified but left behind their sweet memories and legacy of character, behavior, vision and austerity etc. Also they carved a niche in society. Nowadays there is no sense of responsibility and respect amongst children. Media is reporting instances of suicides being committed by the children on frivolous grounds. They are losing faith and confidence and have become depressed, grouchy, irritated, self-centered and feel loneliness. Sometimes they become outrageous and revolt against the parents or society where as with little vision, care, flexibility, equality and diplomacy many problems can be resolved.

          It seems that there is some acute deficiency somewhere. If the parents, elders and teachers who are, in fact, beacon-lights for grooming and nurturing the children give value-based education and think well this deficiency and character crises can be overcome easily. Exposure of children to the present day rubbish and unhealthy programmes on TV is also responsible to spoil the lives of children. The children are vying with others to fulfill their worldly desires by foul means and are thus crest fallen. They do not know the noble values of life and its roller-coaster nature and are missing the beauties of life which is a divine blessing. If we know the art of living to give meaning to life, in the long run success and honour will kiss our feet. The children are soft like a lump of wet earth and can be easily moulded in any shape as we like at the initial stage. Later on they can get bolster and receive calisthenics (lessons of strength and grace) and wisdom from the saints (in their kiln of spirituality), thinkers and savants. Sometimes we should introspect as to what we have gained and lost in the world.

           The author gives some tips/ hints/ suggestions hereunder which must touch the hearts of others and make our life exciting. Only you should have desire and attitude of complaisance, interaction and mixing. No one can live in isolation. It is hoped that the wise counsel will prevail amongst all concerned. There is a great FORCE in hope. Let our united forceful efforts bring positive results to come out of the ugly situation and we bounce back and blossom with great vigour to tread the right path to live purposeful and cheerful life.
·         Smile is an indication of acceptance, peace and happiness. Wear sparkle look and smile (not smirk). Smile increases face value. Smile is made-up of all the languages of the world.
·         While expressing happiness in life say, “Hello, how are you doing, what a pleasant life!”
·         Wave hands in appreciation and acknowledgement of something.
·         When there is nothing to talk, praise the Lord and Nature.
·         Sometimes enquire from others about their welfare and of family.
·         When you are hurt by someone co-incidentally say, “It is all right, forgetting and forgiving with no rancor. Also say, “I beg for pardon.”
·         As a good gesture say, “You are welcome.”
·         Lend your hands and ears to deserving people.
·         Give special treatment to women, children, elderly and weak.
·         As a good gesture of accommodating the women, elders and respectful persons say, “Your good self first.”
·         Offer a seat to the guest.
·         Apologize if you commit a mistake, say, “I am sorry”, or “Excuse me.”
·         Whenever you receive a special treatment from someone, say, “Thank you/ so kind of you/ God bless you.”
·         While blessing someone say, “May God be with You.”
·         While offering help to someone say, “May I help you Sir/ Madam/ Dear.”
·         Wish the known and unknown about their welfare and time. Also use the words, “Have a good day.”
·         Shake firm hands with others as friends and a gesture of goodwill.
·         Share the sorrows and pleasures of others with polite and appropriate words.
·         Use sweet/ pleasant and polite language and show courtesy to all.
·         After meeting a sick friend/ relative etc say, “Take care of your health.”These words can also be used while parting the company of someone.
·         Allow others to speak first and listen to others patiently.
·         If someone is going somewhere for some auspicious work say, “Wish you all the best, cheers.”
·         Always address elders with due respect.

Let us not forget that love, intimacy and niceties heal/ salve fast the wounds of hatred,   are stress busters and help to thaw our tense relations with others. Also these virtues make our immune system stronger and life expectancy improves
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