Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sacred call to Lord Krishna

                               SACRED CALL TO LORD KRISHNA
                                                                                                                 --A P ANAND
          Lord of all, I pay my obeisance to You and offer my ‘Sarangati’ (total surrender). O Merciful Lord, I was experiencing bipolar disorders and was completely lost. I was, until recently, in delirium state and vacillating mind. It was a predicament situation for me as I was experiencing the feelings of a fall season. I was flabbergasted when I realized that my body would perish one day and the present life is mere dream and finite. It was nothing but an abrasive style of living and my capabilities were denting day by day. To rekindle the scorching flame of life and to off load my worries, anxieties and annoyance I came in contact and spiritual associations of divine souls and through their grace I, now, find myself a different person after circumventing difficulties of my life and infusion of god knowledge.

          I am now in inebriated state and swooned in Your devotion due to Your everlasting platonic love. My body, mind and intellect are on Your Lotus feet. I am completely under Your sway and refuge. Now the flares of dispassion are leaping out. Who else would have doused the scorching fire? My ignorance had earlier triggered and then stirred up my passions by invoking my sense organs which threw me on a harrowing path. I am trying my best to turn my sins into ashes before my body turns to ashes.

          O Clement Lord, now You have ignited an eternal flame in me. You have shown me the way for use of spindle for proper weaving of warp and woof of life, so intricate. I am awfully thirsty for Your divine nectar. Now I have understood the value of splice of life and that everything in the world is an illusion. As You (like partridge) are attracted towards Radha (like moon) I have, in the same way, aroused feelings and appealing for You. You have cast a spell on me.

          Lord, You are the Great and unique when even the dungeon became paradise when You were born. You are self-luminous. You are seen in every speck and Mother Nature is extravagant display of Your divinity. Your ways are inscrutable. Lord, You are dispenser of good for those who follow You/ fall in line as per Your dictates. Your proclamations have energized me. I still hear the sweet melodious sounds of Your flute piercing my ears and touching my heart. The path shown by You to me has started smiling. Please, always, keep Your humble hands of benediction over me and guide me in every respect. You are the  
Embodiment of bliss and redeemer of all creation. Lord, someone has put pertinent questions about You and self-explained in the following lines:
(a)   Who says, God does not come,
           You do not call Him like Meera.
(b)   Who says, God does not dance,
           You do not arrange ‘Raas Leela’ like gopis (maidens).
(c)    Who says, God does not eat,
           You do not offer food with love like Yashoda.

          Lord, I beg of You to instill wisdom in me so that I utter and glorify Your name throughout my life and even at the time of my departure from this world so that I am granted liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Please purify me to the core and ferry me across the ocean of life very safely. I earnestly beg of You to let me have Your, at least, fleeting personal glances/ sweeping gazes. Please unmask Yourself as I am harbouring ineffable desire to meet You in person. I plead You to grant a suitable tryst to me so that my wishes are fulfilled and I am completely drenched in Your blissful vision. The soil is well moist for sprouting the seeds of good wishes to full bloom.

          Lord, even if You rip me asunder You will find Your presence and feelings in my whole body. I have got a lot of hindsight and assuage after experiencing many woes and rumblings in life. I feel that ego and hatred are the fodder for hell. I lie prostrate before You to sway dulcet breeze of divine grace in my life.

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