Sunday, August 12, 2012


READ AND IMBIBE, IF YOU PLEASE                                                                                                                  --A P ANAND
·         It is an acme of love if you win over your enemies without fight.
·         You will reach the realm of spirituality only if you consider the pains of others as of your own.
·         It is an acme of magnanimity if you serve people of all walks of life without any discrimination.
·         It is an acme of wisdom if we remain equipoise and exuberant in sorrows and happiness.
·         You will not feel much the pinch of hardships of life only if you realize, “This will also pass” and “Time is the great leveler and healer”.
·         You will reach the dizzy height and command a formidable reputation if you don’t expect anything in return for your service to the needy and for virtuous deeds.
·         You will be a vanguard of philanthropy only if you do favour to others from your own kitty of virtuous deeds.
·         You will lead happy life if you do not hanker after worldly possessions beyond needs and subjugate your sense organs.
·         You will receive grace and gratitude of the Lord only if you completely surrender to Him in faith as the real “Shishya” (seeker) does to his “Guru” (preceptor).
·         You will reach the summit if you don’t submit to your many failures in your endeavour.
·         You can change your destiny and make life better if you have will-power.
·         It is an acme of leadership if you get-along and take-along everyone working with you.
·         If you are afflicted with ego, you will never, ever, learn the art of living.
·         Unless you know the nature and its bounties, you will not receive the enlightenment of Supreme Lord and His energy pulsating in His creation.
·         One can lead harmonious family life only if the Head of the family is self-disciplined, orderly mannered and gets other members realized the importance and values of discipline, harmony, morals, ethics, forgiveness, tolerance and socializing with others.

E/120, “VIRGO”
MALAD (W), MUMBAI—400 095
Ph: 022-2862 0872

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